Be Joyful
The Advent and Christmas season, we continually hear, is the best time of the year. Undoubtedly, this is truly one of the two best times of the year, along with Easter. However, for some, this can be a difficult, stressful, and lonely time of year. I can go on about the tremendous health benefits of being happy such as improved immune function, better sleep and weight loss, and an improved perception of pain. Instead, I am going to make some suggestions that, despite your situation, can boost your mood and health.
Start your day on your knees. This can sound radical, but to start your day in this way can help you begin thoughtfully with a focus toward a better day. While there, take a few minutes in gratitude for what you’ve been given. This might be for your family, home, or even something as simple as being able to breath. Perhaps remembering, despite anything that may have happened, you have a God-given dignity that is written on your heart and cannot be taken away. You could also try to focus on being present in all your interactions of the day; to think of these individuals, their needs, or maybe asking “How are you?” and mean it.
While we’re on the topic of others, try to find a time during your day to extend an act of kindness. It could be opening a door for someone or offering to help them across a slippery area. Visit someone at a care center that may not have anyone to visit them. This could revolutionize both of your lives! Helping someone with a common chore such as sweeping snow from their car or offering to carry groceries can spread a great deal of joy. Try smiling a lot, people will wonder what you’re thinking! (Kinda fun) I’ve seen this written in a few places and tried it with a surprisingly positive response.
Most importantly, remember the true meaning of Christmas: The birth of Jesus Christ. This great gift to all of humankind, is the center of all time. All of history before Him and after Him points to this singular moment in time. And the great news is that we can reflect on this, see Him as He dwells among us in the Light that emanates from His presence in those who love Him. I invite you to do this and rejoice throughout the day. Be Joyful!
Merry Christmas and Peace to you and yours!
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
By Appointment
Shift Integrative Medicine
23 West Main Street Suite 2
Crosby, MN 56441
(218) 851-9626